English summary  Berlin Initiative against Violence towards Women - BIG e.V.

We want to put an end to domestic violence.

In Germany, domestic violence occurs every day. One in four women has experienced domestic violence at least once in her life, usually within a relationship. Almost once every three days a woman in Germany dies – killed by her partner or ex-partner. 

We, the Berlin Initiative against Violence towards women, want to put an end to domestic violence. Since 1993 we cooperate with all relevant actors on all societal levels to do so. 

With our three institutions, BIG Interventions, BIG prevention and BIG coordination we work at putting an end to that.

BIG Intervention

offers support and counseling to those affected, their children as well as their relatives, friends and people providing support: 

BIG Prevention

raises awareness, informs and trains professionals in schools with

  • Workshops for children, parents and educational staff in primary schools about the handling of violence 
  • Trainings for teachers 
  • Trainings for interested professionals 
  • The exhibition ECHT FAIR! 

BIG Coordination

connects all the important points in the support network, trains professionals and works to strategically improve measures against domestic violence in the following fields:

  • Protection and support 
  • Police intervention
  • Justice
  • Children and youth
  • Working with perpetrators
  • Migrants and refugees

Here, you can find information in several languages to help you navigate your situation if you are experiencing domestic violence.

The BIG Hotline is available 24/7 and can provide interpreteres in many languages.